step 01:
Please send us an email with the Title of your desired Naga-print and the size.
step 02:
We will reply with the total cost and will ask you for a 30% downpayment.
Payment methods
International payments: We have a Paypal account, easy fast and secure payments in your own
We'll explain the procedure in your personal order process.
Payments from the Netherlands: We are a Dutch based company so for people from the Netherlands it's possible to pay directly
to our Dutch ING bankaccount. We'll provide you all details in your personal order process.
step 03:
we will print the design, after we've received your downpayment. This will take about 10 days before it will be ready to ship.
You will get a notice that your print is ready for shipping.
When the remaining amount of your order is paid, shipment will take 4 to 6 days.
step 04:
shipping: Our products are processed and shipped from Indonesia. We use Pos Indonesia which provides a tracking system for your order.